The Lord wants to use us to communicate His message, to impart His love, to extend His forgiveness, and to minister His healing power. Heavenly Father wants your help.
He wants to use you to bring His healing power to this generation. God wants His healing power to flow through you.
Jesus’ ministry on earth was characterized by teaching, preaching, and healing. Matthew summarizes Jesus’ earthly ministry as, “teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.” (Matthew 4:23b NIV) Jesus Christ is the ultimate example for a Christ-follower, so we should have a lifestyle and ministry that reflect His. Am I reflecting His example? Not all believers will be full-time paid pastors or traveling healing evangelists, but every Christ follower should have a part in proclaiming the Gospel and in healing ministry.
Are you willing to let the healing power of the Lord flow through you?
There are several steps I recommend to so anyone who would surrender to be a channel for God’s glory. The first step toward releasing healing ministry involves a healthy relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Love flows as a result of an intimate bond with Christ. Compassion and the gifts of the Spirit flow should flow naturally out of a personal connection with God.
The second prerequisite is personal communication with the Lord. Talking and listening to God is not optional; it is vital. Prayer is indispensable for spiritual strength.
A third important step is immersion in the Word of God. Reading, studying, and meditating the Bible transforms thinking patterns and prepares the way for signs and wonders.
Experience in actually praying for someone is the next step. With each step of faith, expectancy is likely to grow.
Some people benefit from being mentored by another believer who is active in the healing ministry. Connect with a pastor or elder (or another Godly minister who regularly ministers healing) and accompany the pastor or elder during healing ministry (while visiting in a home or hospital, or while in a service). This exposure to the healing ministry will encourage you and give you insight. Encouragement and teaching also inspires confidence to operate in the healing ministry.
Because the Lord forgives, redeems, loves, and empowers, believers should expect to have some type of healing ministry. The Holy Spirit prepares and gifts people for ministry. The Bible demonstrates various means whereby healing is administered, and I expect the Lord to continue His kingdom demonstration with healing. As a pastor, I may not be able to clarify every difficulty surrounding sickness and healing, but I can believe God and step out in faith.