Life-giving Christian schools do exist. I am a senior pastor of church with a twenty-seven year old Christian school and I have a strong conviction about the necessity and benefit of good Christian schools. I am personally invested in Valley Fellowship Christian Academy, including regularly teaching Bible classes and elementary chapels. With a God-given responsibility to train their children, many parents find an excellent partner with a quality Christian school.
Recently, I read a blog post (from a pastor I respect) that questioned whether or not Christian schools “work”. Unfortunately, I think past disappointments flavored his viewpoint. He advocated that Christian schools work for some but devastate other children, however his logic is flawed. Poor experience by some does not justify a broad attack against the Christian school movement. Parenting “works” for some children, but for some their parental experiences devastated their lives. Some kids have a good experience with parents; some do not have a good experience with parents. Do we discredit or disavow all parenting? Of course, not. And, Christian school cannot be so easily disavowed.
Under the guise of Christian liberty, he suggested the abandonment of Honor Codes because he thinks they are legalistic and without room for repentance. Honor Codes, like the Ten Commandments of old, are a standard for living that should not be discarded. Wise Christian educators do allow for repentance. Respect the distinctive of a particular school. Some Christian schools have an evangelistic mission (allow anyone); some Christian school have a discipleship mission (limit pre-Christians). Different points of view are studied and debated in a Christian school, but an effective teacher will communicate truth.
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Students attending a school that shares space with a local congregation DO NOT get TOO MUCH of church. A building isn’t the reason for the poor experience of some. Many own daughters love and serve God after spending their academic careers (until college) in a school that shared space with a church. Positive experience of my own children and the constructive experience of many others testifies that a church and a school CAN work together. It can work for a school and a church to share property. Also, the financial reality is that many Christian schools would not exist without a local congregation willing to “share” space in order to see children trained and transformed through a real encounter with Christ.
Based upon more than thirty years of personal observation, students do not need Christian schools and public schools to fare better. If I could go back, I still would not send my daughters to a public school, but I would send them to life-giving Christian school. If a Christian school was not an option, then I would homeschool. Christ affirmed that a fully-trained student will be like the teacher. I want my kids to become more like Christ and a healthy partnership with good Christian school educators increases that potential.