Have you ever had an object lesson go bad? I mean, really badly? So badly that you were are left speechless?
Object lessons can be a great tool when communicating with kids and adults. The use of physical objects aids the retention of a message as proven in my brother’s applied research project for his doctorate. (That’s the reason, we call Barry “Dr. Barry”!) But sometimes, the chosen object can change the message in unintended ways.
In my years of ministry, I have used object lessons in chapels, children’s church, camps, mission trips, banquets, weddings, funerals, kindergarten graduations, and Sunday morning sermons. When something works well, I try to remember and save the object for future application. I have boxes (and shelves and piles and stacks) of objects, tools, illusions, and toys hidden away in my office. Patti calls it “junk”; I call it “ministry material”.
During a recent sports banquet for Valley Fellowship Christian Academy, I was asked to speak and so I once again dug into one of my boxes to find my “indestructible” eggs. Because they look so similar to real eggs, I have used them various ways – juggling them, throwing them, rolling them. Each time, the eggs helped me to get my points across.
At the banquet I threw the egg onto the tile floor of the fellowship hall, envisaging a surprised audience amazed by an unbroken egg – reminding my listeners that God’s power within them was greater than anything the world could throw at them.
“Dear children, you belong to God. So you have won the victory over these people, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4 GW)
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I fully eggs-pected the egg to bounce, eggs-ept it didn’t. I’m no eggs-pert, but I will try to egg-splain. You’re hard boiled if you don’t chuckle at this, but omellete go and not take egg-fence. I’m not eggs-aggerating. I was eggs-tremely dumbfounded my egg eggs-ploded like the eggs I usually eggs-change from the carton to construct my eggs-tordinary lesson.
I’m not eggs-actly sure how I looked as I eggs-amined the thousands of egg fragments around my feet, but my failed eggs-periment really cracked up my daughter Kimberlyn. Patti saw my eggs-ruiciating eggs-pression, but Kimberlyn later said it was egg-citing. Perhaps, she thought it was eggs-actly what was needed to keep my speech from being eggs-austing. My thoughts were scrambled; my next point eggs-ited. Without eggs-ception, the audience’s attention eggs-pired, so I abruptly concluded – trying to eggs-tract what was left of my self-eggs-teem.
Eggs-amine your own object lesson and learn from my egg-ample. I pray your object lesson eggs-periences eggs-eed my eggs-ellent eggs-ample. I’ll be egg-tatic if you remember:
If you are empty on the inside, you are no match for a hard world. But, as a Christ-follower the Greater One is inside of you.