God wants ordinary people like you and me to do extraordinary things for His glory. Extraordinary incidents testify God is working through us. Our steps of faith show the people around us how great HE is. It really is not about us. Our attitude needs to match John the Baptist who declared about Christ, “He must increase; I must decrease.” Stay humble and let God do His thing.
“The people who KNOW THEIR GOD shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].” (Daniel 11:32b AMP)
Relationship with God opens the door for exploits – not in your own might, but in His power. When you know your God, you display great STRENGTH. When you know your God, you take quick ACTION. When you know your God, you act valiantly. When you know your God, you STAND FIRM. When you know your God, you prosper. When you know your God, you battle against kingdom of darkness. When you know your God, you DO EXPLOITS.
If you are thinking “I can’t do that”, you are the exact one to whom God is calling today. God works through ordinary people. God doesn’t quit on His projects until the job is completed, and He isn’t finished making you into what He wants. The worst thing you could do is disqualify yourself by giving up.
You are qualified to do something – simply because you are a believer. God has a plan and purpose for you. The enemy desires to stop or steal what God wants to give to you. Don’t let the devil steal it! Accept the reality Christ’s forgiveness. You blew it in the past, okay, but the blood of Jesus cleanses. God forgives. You can do exploits, not because you are perfect, but because you are in Christ. Don’t worry if its messy, you can do something significant.
God saved you to serve. Saved people serve people. Find a need and fill it; find a hurt and heal it. The bigger the need you fill the bigger the glory God receives. Do something extraordinary for the Lord. Serve Him by serving others at work, at home, at church.
God works through ordinary people. Let Him work through you. Do something extraordinary for His glory.