Every time I visit the barber, the mirror-multitude spotlights the balding spot on my head that I would rather forget. Years ago, the stylists would encourage, “It’s not noticeable. It isn’t any larger than the last time you got your haircut.” Yeah, sure. Your mirrors make it easy for me to see the bright reflection of overhead lights from the top of my head.
As I shave in the morning, I don’t usually think about the spot because I don’t see the spot. But, the spot sure does show up when I see pictures of the back of my head. Please, pardon me today as I grieve the missing hair.
My greatest problem is not production, but distribution. My body still produces lots of hair. After all, I have plenty of hair springing out from my neck, back, ears, etc. Hair implants might get hair distributed to the used-to-be-small-patch on my head, but I am not interested in pain. I require less styling gel, but more sunscreen lotion. I am forced to wear a hat at the beach (wow, uncovered skins burns quickly!). I don’t mind having wavy hair; I just don’t want my hair waving goodbye.
I never had a spot in my twenties. According to missionary-evangelist E. Stanley Jones (1884-1973), baldness is the first of four signs of advanced age (bifocals, bridges, and bulges are the other three). Am I really getting older?
I try to console myself – I am a lover. After all, a man who is balding in the front is a thinker; a man balding in the back is a lover; a guy balding in the front and back thinks he is a lover. I do love Patti. Patti will love me either way. But, I wouldn’t mind God miraculously empowering my follicles with some fresh growth.
A balding head is better than none at all, but bald jokes abound.
- You must be getting taller cause your head is starting to stick through your hair.
- Once you go bald, you never grow back.
- You aren’t getting balder – just more aerodynamic.
In the third season of Seinfeld (“The Fix Up”), Elaine describes George to a potential blind date, but her description fails miserably at the end, “He’s kind of – just kind of – losing his hair.”
“He’s bald?” the girl probes.
“No, no, no! He’s not bald . . . He’s balding.” Elaine responds.
“So he will . . . be bald?”
Her voice sliding despondently, Elaine answers, “Yee-ah.”
Yeah, I know. Feel free to fire some more jokes my way! I’ll try not to go all Old Testament on you, reminding you of 2 Kings 2:23-24. Know the story? After mocking baldheaded Elisha, forty-two young people get mauled by two bears. Just saying . . .
Why am I fretting? Why should I worry? Thankfully, the Lord is intimately aware of what I am going through. There are no secrets to Almighty God. His awesome omniscience tracks the tiniest details of my life. I should rest in faith, free from fear. Jesus encourages, “the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows.” (Luke 12:7 NLT) That is how much my Heavenly Father cares for me!
I am valuable to God. He watches over me. Hair or not – doesn’t really matter. A balding spot on my head doesn’t change my relationship. It’s time for me to stop whining and go on with the good stuff He has planned for me.
If only we could get hold of the life-changing fact that there are no little things with God! Your seemingly small trouble is of eternal importance to Him this moment. He has some lovely lesson in it for you. A lesson, which if well learned now, will affect you eternally. If you and I refuse to learn it now, He still cares. The next time we “fall to the ground” He will still be there. (Eugenia Price, Share My Pleasant Stones. Christianity Today, Vol. 35, no. 4.)
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