I need you and you need me. That isn’t hard to type, but it is often hard to live out. Why do I struggle sometimes to admit that I really need people?
I need my wife and Patti needs me. We are interdependent upon one another. Without a flow of love and mutual ministry between us, there would be a tremendous hole in our emotions. God gave me His gift of marriage because I need it and Patti needs it. Patti and I need each other.
As the pastor of a local congregation, I need the people that make up Valley Fellowship. I’m not all by myself. I am not self-sufficient; I can’t do “church” on my own. Even the pastoral and preaching ministry I have received from the Lord couldn’t happen without believers standing with me, helping, praying, giving, loving. God put you and He put me into a body of which we are a part. I am not every member of the body. You are not every member of the body. WE need each other.
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We cannot do ministry or life alone. God’s work isn’t finished. I am asking God to deepen my appreciation for the partnership I share with my brothers and sisters in Christ. I am also praying that God will give you a deep understanding of what our partnership together is doing in the Tennessee Valley and in you. Thank you, Lord! My heart is filled with joy! I am made for connection and so are you.We need each other.
Hey, partner, are you ready to enjoy the journey together?